Examining the emergence of underground film in New York City, this session will provide a brief introduction to alternative forms of cinema. Serving as a port of entry the session will intoduce and explore the aesthetics, politics, technologies, curation, distribution and success of underground film from the 1950s onwards, tracing the ongoing potemtials for alternative forms of cinema.
Dr. Jack Sargeant is the author of Deathtripping, Naked Lens: Beat Cinema, Flesh And Excess on Underground FIlm, and numerous essays and articles. Amongst other things he works as a curator and programmer of film and art, a producer of blu-rays, and a creative consultant.
Wo? KG III, HS 3118
Wann? Mittwoch, 11.12.2024, 12 Uhr st.
Der Gastvortrag findet im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Filmgeschichte als Mediengeschichte statt“